Leopoldo Parada
Dr. Parada is a Reader in Tax Law at King’s College London with an LLM and PhD. Previously, he was an Associate Professor in Tax Law and Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice at the University of Leeds. He is an independent tax policy advisor for governments and international organisations. He has participated in legislative tax reforms worldwide, such as the interest limitation rules in Indonesia and the OECD Pillar 2 in Curaçao and Suriname. His research focuses on BEPS, tax treaty application, and the digitalisation of the economy. He has authored several books and academic articles, and he is a regular speaker at conferences worldwide. His academic work has been cited by the US Congressional Research Service and by the EU Advocate General. He has collaborated with the ICIJ in tax avoidance investigations, including “Pandora Papers”. He has been recognised in the TaxCOOP 35 Leaders of the Future in Taxation list.